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My Issue With DNI's

If you follow my website, then you'll see that I've made a new page for it. Specifically, a DNI. It's a bit of a joke, but it holds some truth to it too. It reads: DNI if you have a DNI.

I thought it was a bit of fun, but I quickly became unsure as to whether other users understood the tongue in cheek page as I had intended it. So, to clarify here, I'm serious. I wouldn't be upset if you ignored this page, and I'm well aware of the paradox I've created through its creation, but I'm here to say that I personally dislike DNI's.

To preface, ultimately, I do not care. I'm a big believer in saying that the web is yours, do what you want with it, but that also means that I'm allowed to dislike certain practices I think! I'm not here to convince you to stop using a DNI, but rather to explain my point of view. I care not what you do with it.

There are a few reasons as to why I dislike DNI's, but I'll start with the most obvious. They're pointless and unproductive. I truly think that I'm one of the rare few people online that reads DNI's and acts accordingly, in that if part of me is listed on a DNI then I won't interact. But for the mass majority, I highly doubt that this is the case. I've known that this isn't the case for a lot of my friends on both sides of the coin, as well as personal experience. No one who is truly racist, homophobic, or whatever else is on any given list, will truly care about your feelings on the matter. It's pointless. Furthermore, most of the times I haven't interacted with others is because they specifically list DNI IF YOU ARE AN ADULT, which I can respect... But then they follow me? And there's a lot of rules for thee but not for me vibes going on that I don't appreciate.

My next point is one of vulnerability. A lot of DNI's that I've come across have included triggers, trigger warnings, and/or trauma dumping. Firstly, it's a bit annoying to have to check an individualised list to see if I meet any specific criteria before interacting with someone, and then suddenly I have to read about trauma dumping which is a highly uncomfortable uncomfortable. It's not the time nor the place in my opinion, and it'd be better served said in therapy or with a trusted friend. Including trigger warnings and such falls under the same category, and I always feel a sense of... Frustration? for DNI's that include trigger warnings. My main issue with this content being listed on a DNI is that this information can be used again the DNI owner, rendering them vulnerable to hyper specific attacks. I highly encourage the removal of such content if you have this listed, and instead focus your efforts on curating your online experience so that you don't run into triggering content yourself. It's doubly concerning considering most users I see with a DNI are minors online, so please be safer.

Also, in my experience, typically users with a DNI will in turn ignore my own when I've seriously used them in the past. And when I say used them, I mean I politely asked minors not to follow me. That's all I asked, and yet still I had to block 10+ accounts a day on the social media I was using simply because the majority didn't care. When I checked their accounts to confirm their age, not only did they more often than not have a DNI, but listed was the usual ADULTS DNI. It always rubbed me the wrong way to be asking for respect/consideration while also being unwilling to give it back.

I just find it all a bit strange, really. I'm not here to judge, I just personally find them a bit useless from experience and from being terminally online since 11. It's much easier to just block people that make you uncomfortable, rather than listing your discomforts so openly and publicly for all to see, y'know?

Anyway, that's just my personal opinion! To reiterate, do what you want. I like coming here to explore my own thoughts and to come to my own conclusions, so don't take this as a personal attack or a request to change! You should always do what you want!